I remember, during my mid-semester test, my lecturer Ms Khairunisha said that, citation is the most important part in documentation and also she said that citation is very easy to remember and do. For me, in the beginning when we started learning this topic, its seen very complicated and difficult. Especially, there is many types on each field, such as bibliography, for magazines, journals and books we have to use different strategies of doing the citation. However, later on I became quite familiar with it and I learn deeper and I understood the topic quite well.

First of all, I understood what does citation mean. It is when you use a citation you are giving credit to an author whose work you used in some way. For instance, let's say you are researching Charles Dickens. You use a book called Charles Dickens's childhood by an author named Edward Cullen. By making a citation and citing Cullen in the paper, you are giving him credit and letting the reader know that the idea isn't yours.   

Mostly we learnt and used APA Style (American Psychological Association). This style provides guidelines for publication.
To do reference list by APA Style, we need to follow certain regulations, as I posted the picture at the right side.

We were taught by our lecturers about how to do a citation and reference lists. There are many things to remember. For example, I was taught how to cite the authors names, for American names we need to put first name in the beginning, however for Muslim, Chinese or Malaysian names we have to write as it shown in Identification card. Then we learnt about rules for titles, how to cite the year, documentation and also the signs that we have to use, such as: . ,  :  (  ) et al &.

This is the main format of APA Citation Format. 

Author. (Year). Title. Place of publication. Publisher.

Overall, I understood this topic very well, because we did many activities during the lectures. Moreover, during the tutorial classes we have done some activities as well. During the preparation to the mid-session exam, I revised and looked at this topic very carefully, that is why I am already familiar with this topic. I think that citation will be very useful for me in the future, as it world wide documentation format.